front access purifier

Front Access Purifier Series on the return air side of a building’s ventilation system, and filtering any contaminants generated within the space, a portion of that air can be recirculated. The amount of clean air, which is recirculated, reduces the amount of outdoor air required for dilution. The result of this ventilation strategy is clean air and substantial energy savings.

The Brain Odor modules KFM18 Filter assembly can absolutely provide maximum protection against harmful outdoor air contaminants like jet exhaust fumes, automobile/diesel exhaust, Sulphur oxides, nitric oxides, and ground level ozone by the filtration on the outdoor air side of a construction’s ventilation system.

When outdoor air is of acceptable quality, the cost of conditioning this air can be excessive, but if proper air cleaning methods are applied the amount of outdoor air normally required for dilution can be minimized. Connect Now! | Contact Us

  • Remove a wide variety of odors and gas
  • Eliminate harmful contaminants
  • Protec the indoor environments
  • Energy efficient
  • High porosity chemical media
  • Eaze to use modules filter
  • 30% high efficiency pre filters
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