Gas turbines need air and fuel for combustion such as a natural gas (NG) which contains approximately 94% of methane. Air is one of the main inputs to the Gas turbine (GT)for combustion Filter designs and manufactures high efficiency Gas Turbine Air Intake Filters (AIF) can deliver clean air of the axial air compressor and the longer life cycle of the Gas Turbine (GT) hot gas path help to lower maintenance cost and down time. Gas turbine (GT) combined cycle or simple cycle (SC), Steam Turbine (ST), Heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) air intake filter for power generation industry plays very important role as it helps to purify the air intake, which is one the main three components (fuel, air, heat), which convert chemical energy to mechanical energy. As air and fuel are the two main sources of combustion, quality of the air ingested by the GT air compressor plays very important role.
Poor air quality intake can damage the Gas Turbine (GT) air compressor blades, it may cause over heating effect in the gas turbine hot section.
The K filter Gas Turbine air intake filter part should be delivering pure and clear as it helps a major role in the conversion of energy. Our Gas Turbine Air Intake filter helps this process of purifying the intake air thus playing a very important role in Gas turbines (GT), compressors, power generation industry etc. Our Nano fiber filtration solutions meet your operating environments and ensure to performance, quality and durability. Our new range of lock pleat technology pulse and static air intake filters preferred by well – known gas turbine users are ideal under harsh environmental condition.
Poor Air Quality (PAQ) will damage following
Fouling in the compressor blades
Less compressor efficiency
Fouling is caused by very minute dust particles
Particles that cause fouling are typically smaller than 2 to 10 μm. (Smoke, carbon, oil mists, sea salts)
Corrosion effect of Gas Turbine (GT)
GT compressor blades. Corrosion is resulting from chemical oxidation of metal parts
Wet deposits of salts, acid
Chlorine and Sulphides
Erosion is the process
“Eating away” the blade material by abrasive action of dust particles in the ingested air.
Hot to help K Filter air intake filter in Power generation
Material of Construction Gas Turbine air intake filters
100% Synthetic (Polyester) –following type filter media is preferred where ambient condition is sometimes highly humid or having huge fog during some seasons.
Advantage of Synthetic filter media: very high filtration efficiency.
Polyester type gas turbine filter media: Polyester GT filter media is generally used where ambient condition is less humid
Cellulose Gas Turbine (GT) filter media: lowest filtration efficiency
Antistatic blended Gas Turbine (GT) filter media: Prevent the collection of static electricity
Panel and compact filter in a wide variety of shapes.