
Clear Jet Series Duplex Strainer

K Filter Clear Jet series duplex strainer specifically designed equipment’s for Refineries, Petrochemical plants and pipelines, made of different material grades (CARBON STEEL, STAINLESS STEEL, DUPLEX, SUPER DUPLEX, INCOLOY 825,INCONEL 625, HASTELLOY, CHROME-MOLYBDENUM – P11, P22, P5 and P91, BRONZE-ALUMINIUM, BRONZE-NICKEL and others),covered internally and externally by corrosion coating to protect pumps, compressors and metering station from unwanted solid particles and also filters fluid flows through the perforated heavy-duty screen filters (5 – 3000 micron filtration)Features Butterfly valve or Ball valves Wide range of models/size and filtration Standard flanges Reduce pressure drops High loading of large particles Design, mesh size for filter inserts to customer specifications Easy to clean Different micron rating available Various surface coating and special materials Clean liquid, viscous and gaseous media Application Oil, Gas and chemical industry Wastewater Spray nozzle systems Protection of heat exchangers Food industry Descaling systems Lubrication systems Cooling towers Boiler feed water Paper coating Refining Watering plants Paper industries etc.
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